Hitotsubashi Conference on International Trade & FDI 2020
December 12-13, 2020
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Guide for Virtual Conference Venue

Hitotsubashi Conference on International Trade & FDI 2020 Program

JST: Japan Standard Time   CST: Central Standad Time  CET: Central European Time

 December 12  (Saturday)
JST 15:15-15:30 Opening remarks
  Jota Ishikawa (Hitotsubashi University)
CST 0:15-0:30
CET 7:15-7:30
Chair : Kensuke Teshima (Hitotsubashi University)
JST 15:30-16:20 Richard Baldwin (The Graduate Institute, Geneva)

  Jobs and technology in general equilibrium: A 3-elasticities approach
 (with Jan I. Haaland and Anthony J. Venables)
CST 0:30-1:20
CET 7:30-8:20
B r e a k
JST 16:40-17:30 Mathieu Parenti (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

  A Simple Theory of Deep Trade Integration
 (with Gonzague Vannoorenberghe)
CST 1:40-2:30
CET 8:40-9:30
B r e a k
Chair : Taiji Furusawa (University of Tokyo)
JST 17:50-18:40 Keisaku Higashida (Kwansei Gakuin University)

  Carrying Carbon? Carbon leakage with International Transport
 (with Jota Ishikawa and Nori Tarui)
CST 2:50-3:40
CET 9:50-10:40
B r e a k
JST 19:00-19:50 Ralph Ossa (University of Zurich)

  Are Trade Agreements Good for You?
 (with Giovanni Maggi)
CST 4:00-4:50
CET 11:00-11:50
JST 20:00- R e c e p t i o n
CST 5:00-
CET 12:00-

 December 13  (Sunday)   (CST: December 12)
Chair : Eiichi Tomiura (Hitotsubashi University)
JST 8:10-9:00 Kiminori Matsuyama (Northwestern University)

  A Technology-Gap Model of Premature Deindustrialization
 (with Ippei Fujiwara)
CST 17:10-18:00
CET 0:10-1:00
B r e a k
JST 9:20-10:10 Kim Ruhl (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

  Offshore Profit Shifting and Domestic Productivity Measurement
 (with Fatih Guvenen, Raymond J. Mataloni Jr. and Dylan G. Rassier)
CST 18:20-19:10
CET 1:20-2:10
B r e a k
Chair : Kensuke Teshima (Hitotsubashi Unibersity)
JST 10:30-11:20 Haichao Fan (Fudan University)

  Trade Uncertainty and Firm Pollution: The Role of Emission Caps
 (with Guangyuan Guo, Yu Liu and Huanhuan Wang)
CST 19:30-20:20
CET 2:30-3:20
B r e a k
JST 11:40-12:30 Phillip McCalman (University of Melbourne)

  Trade Policy with FANG's (aka Trade Policy with Multi-Sided Platforms)
CST 20:40-21:30
CET 3:40-4:30
JST 12:30-12:40 Closing remarks
  Eiichi Tomiura (Hitotsubashi University)
CST 21:30-21:40
CET 4:30-4:40
JST 12:50 L u n c h
CST 21:50
CET 4:50

Hitotsubashi Conference on International Trade & FDI 2020
Contact Information : takada@econ.hit-u.ac.jp
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