Hitotsubashi Conference on International Trade and FDI 2021
December 11-12, 2021
Venue: Room #J, 15th floor, FUKURACIA, Marunouchi OAZO
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  Contact Information
  E-mail : takada@econ.hit-u.ac.jp

Tokyo Station
Marunouchi OAZO
Fukuracia Lobby

We are grateful to all the participants for their great contribution to the conference.

Click here for more photos

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)     
(Digital economy and changes in international division of labor )
Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study
Center for Research on Contemporary Economic Systems
  • Room #J, 15th floor, FUKURACIA, Marunouchi OAZO

    The conference will run face-to-face at the venue above.
    However, people will be able to choose to participate online(Zoom Webinar) if necessary.
    Most likely, the foreign speakers will attend the conference online.
  • Richard Baldwin (The Graduate Institute, Geneva)
  • Cheng Chen (Clemson University)
  • Haitao Cheng (Hitotsubashi University)
  • Ana Cecilia Fieler (Yale University)
  • Hiro Kasahara (University of British Columbia)
  • Konstantin Kucheryavyy (University of Tokyo)
  • Yusuke Kuroishi (Hitotsubashi University)
  • Kiminori Matsuyama (Northwestern University)
  • Jee-Hyeong Park (Seoul National University)


Hitotsubashi Conference on International Trade and FDI 2021

The conference is basically open to everyone.
It will run face-to-face at the venue. However, people will be able to choose to participate online(Zoom Webinar) if necessary.
Most likely, the foreign speakers will attend the conference online.

If you plan to attend the conference, please register from the following link by
Register Form

The conference reception will be held on December 11(the fee is 1,000 yen for students and 2,000 yen for the others). When you register, please inform whether or not you attend the reception.

We will limit the number of participants at the venue to prevent COVID-19 infection. Please be advised that we may ask you to participate online even if you register for face-to-face participation. Thanks for your understanding.

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Hitotsubashi Conference on International Trade and FDI 2021
Contact Information: takada@econ.hit-u.ac.jp
Jota Ishikawa © All rights reserved.